Are you interested in printmaking? Grafikens Hus is seeking BIPOC artists, illustrators or designers that want to explore printmaking and create an artwork.

Inspired by the open letter Silence is violence, written by artists and cultural workers in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement, Grafikens Hus wants to work for a more inclusive art scene in Sweden. In respect to that, we are currently seeking professional BIPOC (black, Indigenous and people of color) artists, illustrators or designers, that want to create art through printmaking.

Call for Print provides artists, illustrators or designers with the possibility to create a print-based art edition together with a Master Printer under the direction of Grafikens Hus. Printmaking is a form of artistic expression with a history of reproduction, that has facilitated the spread of ideas and thoughts as well as making art more accessible to the larger population. Historically, prints have been used with the aim to democratize art and disseminate it widely and broadly. Call for Print is a call for application that will continue yearly to activate printmaking as a medium for change in society and on the art scene. We would like to invite and give space to diverse creative practitioners with varied perspectives that reflect the times we live in.

How can Grafikens Hus positively influence normative ideas about artists working with print?
We want to shine light on the narratives and images currently missing and underrepresented in the field of printmaking in order to initiate conversations about and through the art form. Together with artists, illustrators or designers we would like to explore political, social and art movements through printmaking. Grafikens Hus will work continuously to include groups that have historically been excluded from the field of printmaking. Our intention is to create space and possibilities for more people to create art on their own terms.

How to apply
Call for Print provides artists, illustrators or designers with the possibility to create an artwork together with a Master Printer. Your application must include a brief description of your creative practice and idea(s) for an art edition using text and/or images (maximum ½ A4-page, 2000 characters – no spaces).

Attach 5 images of earlier works (PDF/Jpeg, the document should not weigh more than 10 MB) and include a link to your website, Instagram or equivalent.

The production will take place during May-July 2021.  The appointee shall invoice an artistic fee of 7500 SEK + VAT upon completion of an art edition approved by Grafikens Hus. All the production costs of the work will be covered, however the project does not cover travel and accommodation costs. It is possible to conduct the project in other places than Södertälje. The art edition will become part of Grafikens Hus’ collection and be available for purchase in our art shop.

Apply via email to:, by 25th April at the latest.

How we assess your application
The selection process is based on the submitted material for the application. The applications will be assessed by an appointed jury. All the members of the jury will be presented on Grafikens Hus’ website.

Contact us for inquiries!
If you have further questions, don’t hesitate to contact us by sending an email to