Samlande tankar/Collecting Thoughts Reading Circle #2

Samlande tankar/Collecting Thoughts Reading Circle #2

05 April 2022

18:00 – 20:00

Stockholm Kvinnohistoriska Office (Repslagargatan 15B)

In connection with Grafikens Hus’s three-year project Samlande tankar/Collecting Thoughts, this reading circle centres collecting, collections and archives. Through the project, Grafikens Hus formulates a method for collecting that can guide our future collecting decisions. Through gathering to read we clear the space to critically reflect on collections and processes of their formation together. During the circles, we will read and discuss various texts on collecting, collections and archives.

For this session, we will be reading ‘The Exhibitionary Complex’, a chapter in the book The Birth of the Museum: history, theory, politics by Tony Bennett. Copies of the text will be provided prior to the session.

The reading circles are facilitated by, process leader, Mmabatho Thobejane.

Register for the second reading circle via email at Arrangements to join via zoom can be made.

In collaboration with Kvinnohistoriska. Samlande tankar/Collecting Thoughts is supported by Kulturrådet.