”I conducted a workshop exploring policy documents as political spaces. I split the expert council into three groups and tasked them each with reading a policy on collection and acquisition. The workshop participants found that collections serve as foundations for the museums, and that new works are acquired to “complement” the existing collection. Artist in Residence Munish Wadhia commented, “Instead of re-writing history, maybe re-imagine history?” For Grafikens Hus, currently looking ahead at building a collection, the question arises of how such a foundation can be created?” 

Read the Monthly Letter #13 by process leader and curator Macarena Dusant here.

Samlande tankar / Collecting Thoughts is a project by Grafikens Hus with support from the Swedish Arts Council. 

Vilken roll har grafiken spelat för kvinnor genom historien? Vad händer när ett museum brinner ner och förlorar både sin byggnad och samling? Följ med på en digital arkivvisning av Grafikens Hus och lär dig mer om grafikens betydelse och historia utifrån ett kvinnohistoriskt perspektiv.

En av Samlande tankar/Collecting Thoughs’ samarbetspart, Stockholms Kvinnohistoriska, genomförde en digital kvinnohistorisk visning av Grafikens Hus – i konstnären och tryckaren Jenny Olssons ateljé Tellus grafik som ligger i Hägersten, Stockholm.

I visningen hör vi Nina Beckmann, museichef på Grafikens Hus berätta om åren efter branden, kvinnors roll inom den grafiska konstformen och arbetet bakom en ny samling. Vi får också lära oss mer om olika trycktekniker och hur grafik använts för att påverka samhället, när Jenny Olsson visar oss runt i ateljén.

Visningen är ett samarbete mellan Stockholms Kvinnohistoriska och Grafikens Hus inom ramen för projektet Samlande tankar/Collecting Thoughts. Sidekick under visningen är Macarena Dusant, curator och processledare för Samlande tankar/Collecting Thoughts.

⚠️ Notering: Ett namn är felstavat i visningen, tid 09.45. Det ska vara Lina Nordenström.

Filmning och klippning: Palmer Lydebrant.

OM KVINNOHISTORISK VISNING AV: I “Kvinnohistorisk visning av” besöker Stockholms Kvinnohistoriska museer och mytomspunna institutioner och platser på jakt efter dolda historier om kvinnor. Tillsammans med publiken ställer vi frågor om kvinnors liv, möjligheter och förutsättningar till historiker, guider och experter.

What is the state of printmaking today?

A conversation about printmaking at Public Art Agency Sweden, September 5th at 5 pm

Printmaking is an art form loved by many and rejected by others in the Swedish art field. For its collective and democratic aspects there is a potential for prints taking an important place in contemporary art. In a conversation at the Public Art Agency Swedish artists and experts from different generations will talk about the matter during the opening of artist Afrang Nordllöf Malekian’s opening of the exhibition Suddenly it Happens!

Participants: Annika Gunnarsson, curator Drawings and Prints, Moderna museet and part of the expert council for Samlande tankar/Collecting Thoughts; Afrang Nordlöf Malekian, artist in residence at Samlande tankar/Collecting Thoughts; Kayo Mpoyi, artist; Henrik Orrje, director collection and administration, Public Art Agency Sweden; and Ulla Wennberg, artist. 

The talk will be moderated by Macarena Dusant, process leader and curator for Samlande tankar/Collecting Thoughts, Grafikens Hus and Annika Engqvist, curator, Public Art Agency Sweden.

The talk is held in Swedish.

Long-term collaboration between the Public Art Agency Sweden and Grafikens Hus

The Public Art Agency Sweden hosts a large collection of graphics from 1960-1990. These were previously on display in schools, workplaces and public offices, making them accessible to hundreds of thousands of people through everyday interactions.

Grafikens Hus and the Public Art Agency Sweden have initiated a long-term collaboration within the framework of the project Samlande tankar/Collecting Thoughts. The collaboration’s point of departure is the Art Agency’s graphic collection. Grafikens Hus lost its entire graphics collection in a fire in 2014. Since then, the museum has been working on building a new art collection. The process has raised questions about what kind of art is selected for a collection and what stories these works tell. Which stories are heard and which are excluded? In the Public Art Agency’s collection there are many duplicates of graphic works of art which are now transferred to Grafikens Hus. In this way, the artworks can be viewed by more people through exhibitions, mediation and research projects.

Hello! My name is Mmabatho Thobejane. I am an independent curator, with a practice that centres black and decolonial feminisms. I am also the process leader and curator for Samlande tankar/Collecting Thoughts, a three-year project undertaken by Grafikens Hus and supported by Kulturrådet. This monthly letter documents the project from my perspective and is one of the ways you, who are interested in the project, can follow its process.

July 2022

Read Monthly Report #7 here.

Hello! My name is Mmabatho Thobejane. I am an independent curator, with a practice that centres black and decolonial feminisms. I am also the process leader and curator for Samlande tankar/Collecting Thoughts, a three-year project undertaken by Grafikens Hus and supported by Kulturrådet. This monthly letter documents the project from my perspective and is one of the ways you, who are interested in the project, can follow its process.

June 2022

Read Monthly Report #6 here.

A Sahib’s War – A conversation with Munish Wadhia and Åsa Bharathi Larsson

Thursday 9 June 2022

18.00 – 19:30

Fiberspace Gallery, Katarina Bangata 40, 116 39 Stockholm

This conversation between Munish Wadhia and Åsa Bharathi Larsson takes place within the frames of Samlande tankar/Collecting Thoughts. In this conversation, Wadhia and Bharathi Larsson, both of whose research weave in and out of print and printmaking, have a conversation about their common art practice/research. Munish Wadhia is an artist in residence as part of Samlande tankar/Collecting Thoughts and will in conversation with Åsa, share his research and work within the project, which amongst other things, includes acts of erasure in the construction of a particular and singular Swedish national identity. 

The title for the conversation, “A Sahib’s War”, is borrowed from Rudyard Kipling’s short story, in which Kipling writes about a Sikh soldier, Umr Singh, narrating and navigating the Second Boer War.  Grafikens Hus carries out the project Collecting Thoughts with the aim of looking at graphic collections in Sweden and internationally from a postcolonial and intersectional perspective. Collecting Thoughts is supported by the Swedish Arts Council.

Grafikens Hus carries out the project Samlande tankar/Collecting Thoughts with the aim of looking at graphic collections in Sweden and internationally from a postcolonial and intersectional perspective.

Samlande tankar/Collecting Thoughts is supported by the Swedish Arts Council.

Monthly Report #5

Hello! My name is Mmabatho Thobejane. I am an independent curator, with a practice that centres black and decolonial feminisms. I am also the process leader and curator for Samlande tankar/Collecting Thoughts, a three-year project undertaken by Grafikens Hus and supported by Kulturrådet. This monthly letter documents the project from my perspective and is one of the ways you, who are interested in the project, can follow its process.  

April 2022

Read Monthly Report #5 here.

Samlande tankar/Collecting Thoughts Reading Circle #3

Tuesday, 24 May 2022

18.00 – 20.00

Repslagargatan 15B, Stockholm

In connection with Grafikens Hus’s three-year project Samlande tankar/Collecting Thoughts, this reading circle centres collecting, collections and archives. Through the project, Grafikens Hus formulates a method for collecting that can guide our future collecting decisions. Through gathering to read we clear the space to critically reflect on collections and processes of their formation together. During the circles, we will read and discuss various texts on collecting, collections and archives.

For this session, we will be reading ’An(other) Invitation to Epistemological Humility: Notes towards a Self-Critical Approach to Counter-Knowledges’ by Otto Maduro. This is a chapter taken from the book ‘Decolonizing Epistemologies: Latina/o Theology and Philosophy‘ edited by Ada Maria Isasi-Diaz and Eduardo Mendieta. Copies of the text will be provided prior to the session.

The reading circles are facilitated by process leader, Mmabatho Thobejane. Register for this third reading circle via email at mmabatho.thobejane@grafikenshus.se.

Arrangements to join via zoom can be made.

In collaboration with Kvinnohistoriska.

Samlande tankar/Collecting Thoughts is supported by Kulturrådet.

A Pile of Ash – Artist dinner with Afrang Nordlöf Malekian

Thursday 28 april 2022

18.00 – 19:00

Södertälje konsthall, Storgatan 15, 151 72 Södertälje

“I have learned from poetry to go directly to what is burning. But fire tends to spread. Some metaphors are as beautiful “in reality” as on paper (like a rose). Fire is not one of them. Writing words that feel, that burn, are associated with risks. See, the poem has already turned into a pile of ash”. This is what the author Mara Lee writes in her doctoral dissertation, The Writing of Others: Writing conceived as resistance, responsibility and time (2014). Taking risks – working so that it burns – can be associated with an end in a pile of soot – ash – which has historically been used to nourish new life. What kind of archive can be born from the ashes left behind by the thousands of prints that burnt in the 2014 fire in Mariefred?

During a small dinner at Södertälje konsthall, artist Afrang Nordlöf Malekian will moderate a conversation based on his work-in-progress research in connection to the project Collecting Thoughts at Grafikens Hus. Together, we will study prints, read texts, share stories and eat food. The conversation will circle around the current collection at Grafikens Hus, prints in (food) stores, and prints on penninglotten – lottery tickets.

To join the dinner and conversation please RSVP to mmabatho.thobejane@grafikenshus.se.

The event will take place in English and Swedish.

Samlande tankar/Collecting Thoughts is supported by Kulturrådet.

Monthly Report #4

Hello! My name is Mmabatho Thobejane. I am an independent curator, with a practice that centres black and decolonial feminisms. I am also the process leader and curator for Samlande tankar/Collecting Thoughts, a three-year project undertaken by Grafikens Hus and supported by Kulturrådet. This monthly letter documents the project from my perspective and is one of the ways you, who are interested in the project, can follow its process.  

March 2022

Read Monthly Report #4 here.