Varmt välkomna att testa grafik tillsammans med Grafikens Hus under årets upplaga av Kringelfestivalen! Workshopen äger rum den 27e augusti på Södertälje Konstnärskrets, Västra Kanalgatan 2, drop-in mellan 10-16. Varmt välkomna!
Welcome to an open workshop at Kringelfestivalen to try printmaking together with Grafikens Hus at Kretsen. The workshop will be led by Nina Kerola, Olof Sandahl and Cecilia Enberg and welcomes grown-ups as well as children. No registration or previous knowledge is needed and participating in the workshop is free of charge.
The workshop will be held at Södertälje Konstnärskrets, Västra kanalgatan 2, the 27h of august, drop-in 10-16. Welcome!